The Emperor's New Clothes: The danger of overly controlled communication

By Ovidiu Lefter, Account Director

Recently, we have observed a growing tendency among political and business leaders to favour controlled communication. From the absence of public debates to press conferences where questions are restricted, pre-selected, or entirely absent, and even interviews with pre-approved questions, these strategies provide leaders with a greater sense of security, minimizing the risk of mistakes or difficult confrontations.

At the same time, this controlled environment facilitates the rise of public figures who, under normal circumstances, might struggle in an open debate. However, excessive control comes with significant risks: information becomes sterile, communication is fragmented into isolated echo chambers, and dissenting opinions find little space for expression. Leaders risk losing authenticity, delivering messages that may be overly polished but ultimately lack substance. Yet, beyond these risks lies an opportunity. Those who step out of their comfort zones and embrace open communication will gain long-term advantages.


Memorable imperfection vs. sterile perfection

I recall a study on Hollywood personalities considered the most attractive. Each had small imperfections – a slightly crooked nose, an asymmetrical smile – details that made them stand out. Today, we strive for flawlessness. While achieving this so-called “perfection” is possible, we risk losing the human connection – the very element that truly makes a difference. People are not drawn to sterile perfection but to distinctive traits that remind them they are engaging with a real person.

Minor imperfections in communication – a sincere hesitation, a spontaneous reaction – infuse a message with life. If you constantly hide behind carefully crafted statements and tightly controlled environments, you risk becoming predictable. The audience may receive overly polished, meticulously scripted messages, but ones that ultimately feel empty and devoid of meaning.

Thus, leaders may parade in the “new clothes” of a perfectly “tailored” speech, which, for the audience, is nothing more than an elegant void. Trapped by the urge to appear flawless, we risk losing the very connection with the public that lies at the heart of genuine communication.


Now, everyone has their own newspaper

The days when media presence was earned through relevance and substance are gone. In the past, you appeared in the news only if you had something meaningful to say. Today, direct communication through owned channels dominates the landscape. Political leaders are omnipresent on Facebook and TikTok, while business leaders flood LinkedIn. Every leader or company now has a podcast, vlog, or even their own news platform.

While these channels provide a way to communicate without a journalistic filter, they do not necessarily ensure authenticity. More often than not, communication turns into a carefully controlled monologue where leaders construct their own version of reality. As a result, their connection with the audience remains fragile and superficial.

Location, Location, Location

Ironically, traditional media is now frequently accused of taking information out of context. As a result, the public is encouraged to seek information directly from the source. However, these sources often fail to provide the necessary context—they rarely connect the dots, analyze, or compare information.

In real estate, they say a building’s true value lies in its location. The same applies to messages: without context, they hold little meaning. To truly add value, leaders must be open to questions and challenges. If they avoid dialogue, they risk losing the public’s trust.

To be followed, leaders must first be believed - and trust cannot be built without authentic communication. Even a heated debate can help clarify fundamental values. Without this kind of interaction, the public is left with too little insight into what a leader truly stands for. Yes, they receive carefully curated information, but they learn very little. They are given data without truly being informed.

Authentic communication as an opportunity

The public isn’t just interested in knowing you exist or hearing you speak—they care about what you have to say and whether it truly matters. The internet is flooded with content, and news often feels indistinguishable. Yet, people seek messages that are authentic, relevant, and human. To meet this need, leaders must be willing to step outside their echo chambers and engage with real people—whether journalists, industry peers, or the public.

This isn’t just an opportunity to build genuine relationships; it’s also a chance to demonstrate true leadership and the ability to inspire. The path is open, and those with the courage to walk it will reap lasting rewards.


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